Friday, May 3, 2024

The Different Types of Rendering

RenderingSo, you’re looking to render your walls and bring them back to life again. That’s great! It shows how responsible you are as a homeowner. However, have you decided which type of render you will use for this project? If yes, then start rendering! If not, then don’t worry. This article will show you everything you need to know about the different types of rendering – will show five of the most common types of renders:


Lime render


If you’re looking to render the walls of an old home, then a lime render is for you! Flexible and breathable, it’s perfect for old properties and for alleviating damp problems. It can also bring your walls back to life, giving them the support and protection they need to last a little longer.


Cement Render


If you’re looking to render your external walls, cement renders is a standard choice. While we’re on the topic, know that there are renders for interior and exterior walls. If you’re dealing with the latter, then a cement render is for you. It can be mixed on site, and the materials are relatively cheap. However, the downside is that it will take about two to three coats to achieve the desired results. So, unless you’re doing the rendering yourself, labour costs will tend to spike. However, the good news is that you won’t need to repaint it to make your walls look fresh.



Acrylic Render


Another popular type of render, this one is an all-around rendering solution that’s perfect for both inside and outside walls. It’s either a cement- or lime-based solution that’s mixed with polymers and other plastics. The result is a strong and elastic render that can withstand various damages such as cracking of your walls. This type of rendering is mostly transparent, which means it can be coloured through. Most of the time, acrylic renders are used as a top coat or finishing over existing renders. For maximum longevity, silicone may be added.


These are the three most common types of renderings so far. One is made from cement while the other is lime. The third render is a flexible and transparent solution that can adapt to any other type of rendering solution. This list isn’t judged by rank as each rendering solution has its respective perks and benefits. If you’re looking for the three most common types of rendering – is the site to go. Look for the one you want and place your order now!