Emergency Dentist Adelaide: Dental Emergency and Why You Should See an Emergency Dentist

Dental emergencies are situations that require immediate attention to prevent further complications. This can include severe toothaches, bleeding from the mouth and swollen gums.


If you’re experiencing these symptoms, contact an emergency dentist in Adelaide as soon as possible. This will ensure that you receive prompt care and treatment. For an emergency dentist Adelaide, click here.


Knocked Out Tooth

A knocked-out tooth, known as an avulsed tooth, is the most severe dental injury and should only be treated by a dentist. The trauma can damage nerves, blood vessels and supporting tissues. If the tooth is not re-implanted promptly, it will eventually die.


It is essential to call for an emergency appointment immediately after the accident. This will allow the emergency dentist to examine the mouth, jaw and other teeth for signs of further damage. They may also take a chest x-ray to check if the tooth has been inhaled or swallowed.


It is essential to avoid trying to replace a knocked-out tooth (baby or permanent). This can cause damage to the adult tooth that is waiting underneath the gum. If you are playing sport, wearing a mouthguard is an excellent idea to reduce the risk of getting your teeth knocked out.


Broken Tooth

A broken tooth is another dental emergency that should be treated immediately. The longer the tooth is left untreated, the more likely it is that infection will develop and cause further damage to the tooth.


It is not always apparent whether a tooth is broken. Tiny chips not causing pain or sensitivity are unlikely to be considered an emergency, but any break should be investigated quickly. For an emergency dentist Adelaide, click here.


If the pain persists, take a mild pain reliever and try to chew on the other side of your mouth. If a cracked or broken tooth has been knocked out, try to retrieve it and place it back into its socket gently. This is one of the best ways to increase your chances of saving a lost tooth. Alternatively, you can ask an emergency dentist to fill in the gap.


Swollen Mouth

The mouth is a sensitive area; it will respond immediately with redness, pain and swelling if something is wrong. This may include an allergic reaction or an infection.


If you have a swollen mouth, clean it and rinse with warm water. You can also use an ice pack to reduce the swelling. An emergency dentist in Adelaide can assess your condition and recommend further treatment if necessary.


You might also experience a swollen mouth from a sporting injury or an impact facial trauma. They can also help treat the underlying problem to prevent a worsened situation.



Toothache is caused by inflammation of the tooth’s centre, known as the pulp, which contains nerve endings that are very sensitive to pain. Generally, dentists will alleviate the pain and investigate the root cause through several techniques, like X-rays, to provide you with treatment. For an emergency dentist Adelaide, click here.


Tooth pain can distract and affect concentration, sleep patterns and overall quality of life. It is essential to seek help as soon as possible to avoid worsening the condition.


In the meantime, you can use ice and over-the-counter painkillers to ease the pain. Emergency dental treatments are usually more expensive than standard dentistry, but they may prevent further serious health issues and save you from more costly treatments.
